How To Prepare For Moving Day

There’s so much to do when it comes to moving, and while we will do the heavy lifting, there is some prep work you’ll need to handle before we arrive! We’ve listed some priority topics to help you, read below: 

stacked furniture

Make sure that if you want it moved, it’s packed and ready.

We NEVER want to break or damage your belongings in any way. To mitigate potential damages, it is important to have anything small, loose, or fragile safely packed in a box. Any items in drawers that are breakable are bound to get broken if we need to tip or tilt the item to move it. We’ll always check drawers and cabinets before moving them, but if we find drawers full of items that need to be packed then we won’t be able to move them until you empty them. 

Packed boxes

Pack like you want it to make the journey.

On every moving service, we are as careful as humanly possible. From the nature of moving though, there are some bumps along the way. Whether it’s dollying items up or down stairs, stacking in the back of the truck or trailer, or bouncing along for the ride (near or far) and surviving turns, potholes, and the jostling of the truck, inventory will be subject to this and more. Adequate packing paper, bubble wrap, and quality boxes will make a world of difference in protecting your belongings!

Moving day

Clear walkways make for easy moving.

One of the biggest things that help with time management on the move is to have clear walkways with as much space as possible. We get it, you’re moving so there’s a lot of stuff and that’s okay!  Pre-stacking boxes in a centralized area or room out of the direct path of doorways and walking paths makes a huge difference for us to get in and quickly load stacks of boxes onto dollies and jog them out to the truck.

Prescription medication

Have a plan for valuables and personal items.

Important and high-value items such as prescribed medication, cash or precious metals, jewelry, firearms, etc. are all things that we cannot move for liability reasons. If you have these items packed and ready, we are more than happy to load them into a personal vehicle for you!

Furniture stacked neatly in Storage

Storage, it’s better to have more than needed.

If you’re moving into storage, it’s always better to get enough and have leftover space than have too little. Work with your storage facility for proper planning to make sure you have enough space for your belongings! We recommend Equity Storage facility in Rogers, AR.


Fridges and freezers.

All glass containers must be removed from fridges prior to us moving them, and we prefer that most food be removed as well. When items are left inside the fridge, they are liable to fall over causing spillage and a mess. Freezers should be emptied if possible, but if not we can transport them loaded, we’ll just have you sign a release of liability. We need to know in advance if this is the case so they are the last items loaded and the first items unloaded.
